The Emig Mansion sanitation policy is as outline by The Association of Lodging Professionals (AHLA/ALP) and the State of Pennsylvania. It is as follows:

  • Guests are temperature checked and required to respond negatively to standard COVID-19 exposure questions. Those who present with temperatures of 100.4* F are asked to rebook for guest and staff health and welfare.
  • Guests are required to wear masks in common areas except for when dining.
  • Kitchen areas are sanitized daily with a commercial grade cleaning agent, and all ingredients are stored appropriately to avoid foodborne illness.
  • Dishware, glassware, cutlery, and cookware are machine washed and steam sanitized in 140* F water in a 4 1/2 hour wash cycle.
  • Rooms are cleaned and sanitized electrostatically, then sealed until each guest arrival. 
  • Linens are laundered in 140* F water, gas dried, then sealed for storage.
  • Common and high touch areas are cleaned and sanitized daily.